God’s Word on That

Checking God’s Word on relevant issues

  • God Desires You to Know Truth

    God’s promises were never meant to be thrown aside as waste paper. He intended they should be used. He loves to see His children bring them up to Him As you pray in line with His Word, He joyfully hears that you are living and walking in the truth. (3 John 4)

    Do you think God will be any poorer for giving you the riches He has promised? Faith lays hold upon the promise and does not delay saying, “I wonder if it be true.” Faith goes straight to the throne with a promise and pleads, “Lord, here is the promise from You. Do as You have said.” (2 Samuel 7:25, 29) Never let the promise rust! Draw the Word of promise out of its scabbard and use it with holy violence! Think not that God will be troubled by your importunity, reminding Him of His promises. He loves to hear outcries of the needy soul. He delights to bestow favors on His children. We glorify God when we plead His promises.

    “If our Lord is so ready to heal the sick and bless the need, then, O my
    soul, be not slow to put yourself in His way so He may smile upon you!

    If you would know experientially the preciousness of the Promises, and enjoy them in your own heart, meditate much upon them. There are promises which are like grapes in the winepress — if you will tread on them, the juice will flow. Thinking over the hallowed words will often be the prelude to their fulfillment. Some have counted up to 750 promises in the bible waiting for us. Claim the ones that you need from your heavenly Father for He is waiting to hear from you.